Let us continue with the next five verses of Swāmī Deśikan’s Śrī Stuti dedicated to the Supreme Goddess Mahālakṣmī.
I have posted a full recitation of the Sri Stuti on YouTube here.
Śrī Stuti verse 11: Her infinite, infinitely beautiful forms
dhatte śobhāṃ Hari-marakate tāvakī mūrtir ādyā tanvī tuṅga-stana-bhara-natā tapta-jāmbū-nadâ-ābhā | yasyāṃ gacchanty udaya-vilayair nityam ānanda-sindhāv icchā-vegôllasita-laharī- -vibhramaṃ vyaktayas te || ŚStu 11 ||
Hari’s emerald-green body gets its beauty from Your Primal Form— slender, curvaceous, bent over by the weight of Your own beauty, pure melted gold, an Ocean of Bliss in which You eternally manifest Yourself, taking and leaving forms like waves tossed up by the force of Your Will.
Śrī Stuti verse 12: Goddess of goddesses
ā-saṃsāraṃ vitatam akhilaṃ vāṅ-mayaṃ yad-vibhūtir yad-bhrū-bhaṅgāt Kusuma-dhanuṣaḥ kiṅkaro Meru-dhanvā | yasyāṃ nityaṃ nayana-śatakair eka-lakṣyo Mahendraḥ Padme! tāsāṃ pariṇatir asau bhāva-leśais tvadīyaiḥ || ŚStu 12 ||
Sarasvatī—whose power pervades the entire cosmos constituted by language; Pārvatī—whose arched eyebrows alone turned Śiva (who wielded Mount Meru as his bow!) into flower-bowed Kāma’s follower; Śacī—who is eternally the sole focus of all of Indra’s hundreds of eyes: Lotus Lady! All of these great goddesses are sustained by the tiniest slivers of Your power.
Śrī Stuti verse 13: Emerging from the Ocean of Milk
agre bhartuḥ sarasija-maye bhadra-pīṭhe niṣaṇṇām ambho-rāśer adhigata-sudhā- -samplavād utthitāṃ tvām | puṣpâ-āsāra-sthagita-bhuvanaiḥ puṣkalâ-āvartakâ-ādyaiḥ kḷptâ-ārambhāḥ kanaka-kalaśair abhyaṣiñcan gajendrāḥ || ŚStu 13 ||
Seated before Your Lord on a sacred lotus-platform, You rose from the flood of nectar produced by the churning of the Ocean of Milk, as thunderclouds showered unending streams of flowers concealing the whole world and the elephant-lords sprinkled water from golden consecrated pots. upon You.
This is the central verse of the Śrī Stuti, and it portrays a magnificent image of Goddess Mahālakṣmī emerging from the Churning of the Ocean of Milk and joining Her eternal spouse, Lord Mahāviṣṇu.
It is an ideal verse to recite for the accomplishment of any auspicious deeds, and when performing the tirumañjanam for Tāyār.
Śrī Stuti verse 14: The redemption of the gods is through Her
ālokya tvām Amṛta-sahaje! Viṣṇu-vakṣaḥ-sthala-sthāṃ śāpâ-ākrāntāḥ śaraṇam agaman sâ-avarodhāḥ surêndrāḥ | labdhvā bhūyas tri-bhuvanam idaṃ lakṣitaṃ tvat-kaṭākṣaiḥ sarvâ-ākāra-sthira-samudayāṃ sampadaṃ nirviśanti || ŚStu 14 ||
Upon seeing You, born alongside the divine nectar, resting on Viṣṇu’s chest, the gods and their wives stricken by the sage Durvāsas’ curse, threw themselves at Your mercy. Ānd through just Your glances, they received all of these Three Worlds, thus obtaining eternal unshakeable limitless wealth.
This verse recapitulates the message of the third verse of the Catuḥ-Ślokī quite directly.
Śrī Stuti verse 15: The miracle of Her glances
ārta-trāṇa-vratibhir amṛtâ- -āsāra-nīlâ-ambu-vāhair ambhojānām uṣasi miṣatām antar-aṅgair apāṅgaiḥ | yasyāṃ yasyāṃ diśi viharate Devi! dṛṣṭis tvadīyā tasyāṃ tasyām aham-ahamikāṃ tanvate sampad-oghāḥ || ŚStu 15 ||
Whithersoever Your glances go, lotuses opening up with the first rays of dawn, promising to wipe away Your devotees’ sufferings, pouring down nectarine showers like black monsoon clouds, Thither rush torrents of wealth, tripping over one another in their rush to be first!
|| samasta-parivāra-sametāya Śrīman-Nārāyaṇāya namaḥ ||
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